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EAP 2023 Congress & MasterCourse
Rendezvény kezdete: 2023.05.18.Rendezvény vége: 2023.05.21.
Helyszín: Italy, Padova,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://eap-congress.org/
Dear Colleagues,

After careful preparation, and a commitment to “being different” from other paediatric conferences, the EAP Congress and MasterCourse over the past few years, despite an ever-increasing number of conferences in Paediatrics, has attained a very special reputation.

Over one-and-a-half days, based on most recent publications, the conference presents a fantastic workshop, named Mastercourse in Paediatrics. The MasterCourse this time will be focused on “The Acutely ill Child". The scientific chairmen, Prof. Liviana Da Dalt together with the scientific committee of the Mastercourse have prepared an excellent programme with famous faculty members. Mastercourse in Paediatrics take place in relatively small break-out rooms with only limited seating capacity. I, therefore, recommend early registration.

The scientific committee of the congress has set up an interesting programme for both senior and junior doctors, which covers in depth important clinical subjects.

We, in addition, again anticipate a significant scientific contribution from junior and encourage them to submit abstracts. Those accepted, will be presented as posters or oral presentations with lead authors of accepted abstracts (see eligible criteria) automatically eligible for travel grands. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Frontiers of Paediatrics and, therefore, citable.

I am looking forward to welcoming you to Padova during one of the most beautiful periods of the year. There is no better time to combine knowledge with pleasure!

Adamos Hadjipanayis, MD

President, EAP

MGYT tagdíj összege 2022-től:

  • Nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát nem vállalnak: 3.000.- Ft/év
  • Nem nyugdíjasoknak és azon nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát vállalnak: 10.000.- Ft/év


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